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Old No. is still OK

Old No. is still OK

It had many negative comments on KH recently. However I have just tried an old number !* which I tried to book her for many times but failed. So this is the first time can try this "red card".
I arrived on 9am in the 2nd day of this 5 days public holidays. Immediately I requested for her and this time finally she was not booked by anyone else because she comes back on 11am for the morning session. Then I slept in the room and waited for her.

Times went fast and I heard door knocking sound during the "spring dreaming". After saying hi, the started for the massage.

Part 1 was nothing special and I also did not come for this.

Part 2, after she came back with the massage oil and off the bra, my mind awaked right away. She got really big tits and I could not hold one tit with one hand. Then I understood why she is so "red" and always booked in advance.

This is very good feeling during the BM with her big tits. After finished the main job, we went down to the resting area. I heard already one Ching was already waiting for her. Besides, there was another "call clock" on 5pm. I believed most of the Ching tried her already as she worked there so long. But I will re-try her again for her figure and reasonable services.

May be the new no. are not trained well so that it gave so many negative comments. But they will be eliminated due to their bad services. Only the good gals can be staying for long.


C hing, I have to say that the service of  !* provide is keep in standard but hard to tell you how excellent before she get the illness. However the service of other staff were too bad !  Good luck !




it is not possible for all Ching just go there for 1 bg only. I think all of us are expecting the reasonable service not only from bg but also mgt level. Don't forget, beside the bg who is serving you earning your money and you are paying for her service, so this is a fair deal. But at the same time, you are also paying the same amount or even higher to the bloody sauna centre. Should they serve you as a normal customer?


KH既!*暫時都仲係未試到佢tim, ching lucky啦


touch wood我未試0係KHO乃過好差0既女


KHO is my second choice now, their new BG are normally below standard. Some BG are quite fat although still young.




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